
Pyramid Snooker Table - Antique Billiards

Pyramid Snooker Table - Antique Billiards

Pyramid Snooker Table

A pyramid snooker table is a type of billiards table used for playing the game of pyramid, also known as Russian pyramid or Russian billiards. It is similar to a regular snooker table but with some key differences in terms of size and configuration.

Here are the characteristics of a typical pyramid snooker table:

1. Size: A pyramid table is usually larger than a standard snooker table. While a regular snooker table measures 12 feet by 6 feet, a pyramid table can be as long as 12 feet 6 inches or even 13 feet. The width remains the same at 6 feet.

2. Pockets: The table features six pockets, just like a snooker table, with one at each corner and one in the middle of each long rail. However, the pockets in a pyramid table are larger and wider compared to those on a snooker table. This allows for the larger balls used in the game of pyramid to fit comfortably.

3. Cushions: The cushions, or rails, of a pyramid table are similar to those on a snooker table. They are made of rubber and have a consistent rebound throughout the table.

4. Cloth: The playing surface of a pyramid table is covered with baize cloth, just like in snooker. The cloth is typically green, but other colors can be used as well.

5. Ball Set: Pyramid is played with 15 colored balls and one white cue ball. The colored balls are similar in size to snooker balls, but they are slightly larger and heavier. The cue ball is usually white and slightly smaller than the colored balls.

6. Pyramid Rack: The balls are racked in a triangular formation using a special pyramid rack. The rack consists of 15 colored ball slots and one slot for the cue ball.

Pyramid is a popular cue sport in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. It is a strategic game that requires precision and skill in potting the balls and controlling the cue ball. The larger table size and the unique rules of pyramid make it a distinct variation of billiards compared to snooker or pool.

Q: What is a pyramid snooker table?

A: A pyramid snooker table is a variation of the traditional snooker table with different dimensions and rules. It is primarily played in Eastern European countries, especially Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Q: How is a pyramid snooker table different from a standard snooker table?

A: A pyramid snooker table is smaller than a standard snooker table. It typically measures 12 feet by 6 feet, whereas a standard snooker table measures 12 feet by 6 feet or 10 feet by 5 feet. The pockets of a pyramid snooker table are also smaller and have rounded edges.

Q: What are the rules of pyramid snooker?

A: The rules of pyramid snooker differ from those of traditional snooker. Here are some key rules: The game is played with 15 red balls and a white cue ball. The balls are arranged in a pyramid shape, with the apex ball on the foot spot and the other balls forming a triangle behind it.

Q: Are the foul rules the same as in standard snooker?

A: No, the foul rules in pyramid snooker are different. Some common foul rules in pyramid snooker include: If a player fails to pot any ball, it is considered a foul, and the opposing player gets a free shot. If a player pots the cue ball, it is considered a foul, and the opposing player gets a free shot. If a player pots a colored ball before potting a red ball, it is a foul, and the opposing player gets a free shot.

Q: Are the strategies different in pyramid snooker compared to standard snooker?

A: Yes, the strategies in pyramid snooker can vary due to the different table dimensions and rules. Since the table is smaller, positional play becomes more challenging, and players often focus on potting balls rather than playing intricate safeties. However, the basic strategy of maximizing points and controlling the game remains important.

Q: Where can I play pyramid snooker?

A: Pyramid snooker is most popular in Eastern European countries, particularly Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. You may find dedicated snooker halls or clubs in these regions that offer pyramid snooker tables.

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